More and more people are facing addictions each year, but for those seeking opioid treatment, the solutions can be daunting. Instead of having a simple remedy, they are stuck. People begin taking opioids as a way to relieve chronic pain. Then, once an addiction kicks in, they are stuck with two types of pain. When they try to stop taking opioids, they begin to feel opioid withdrawal symptoms, plus, most of them face their chronic pain once more. Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution for opioid addiction treatment.
Most Common Types of Opioid Treatment
When someone struggles with an opioid addiction, treatment is the best way to get over it for most people. However, not everyone can get into a rehab or want to attend a rehab for one reason or another. That leaves the addict to seek out medications from his or her doctor or trying to find remedies on their own. Thankfully, many medications and remedies can help take the edge off of the addiction, making it slightly easier to overcome.
Outside of rehab, medications are one of the most common ways of treating opioid-use disorder. There are three that stand out the most, including naltrexone, methadone, and buprenorphine. While these medications can help with it comes to treating an opioid addiction, they have their own set of side effects. Plus, they are not always available, which can make using them far more difficult. Some addiction treatment centers offer them to recovering patients. However, for those not attending rehab, it is up to the primary care doctor if the patient should receive them or not.
There are also herbal remedies that people can use to overcome an opioid addiction. While they may not be as commonly talked about, many who have used them say they work. It all depends on the depth of the addiction, the person’s drive to recover, and how well the herbal alternatives help the patient. If you struggle with an addiction and want alternatives to medication, speak with your doctor. He or she is going to be the best asset you have if you cannot or do not want to attend rehab. They can help guide you to alternative forms of addiction treatment that really, truly can help.
Medical Addiction Treatment Options That Do Not Involve Medication or Rehab
When it comes to addiction recovery, there are many options out there. It is always best to approach recovery with medical supervision. Doctors can tell you what type of symptoms to be aware of. For example, going through opioid withdrawal symptoms can be challenging. They can be painful as well. However, with the right support and guidance, you can make it through and get on to a sober, happier, and healthier life.
The type of treatment that is going to work best for you is not always the same as what will work for everyone. You need to have your rehab experience tailored to your specific situation. Here are some of the alternative treatment options you may want if your goal is to recover from your addiction.
While getting past an addiction is difficult, opening up about the cause can help. Many people turn to drugs, including opioids, to feel something good or avoid feeling something bad. Since opioids tend to increase pleasure sensations, addiction often comes as a way to feel better in a bad situation. Counseling could be a great way to manage recovery without turning to medication.
Behavioral Therapy
Another option for recovering from an opioid addiction is through behavioral therapy. This is when you and a counselor or psychiatrist go through your behaviors and change them. You have to really evaluate why you did what you did. It allows you to be more objective about the choices you made. From there, you can slowly change your behaviors and weed out ones that could lead to relapse. You make plans to change your behaviors, so when those situations come up, you have a plan in place.
What About Herbal Remedies to Avoid Opioid Withdrawal?
There are also some powerful herbal options that help many with addiction recovery. The best way to figure out which would be best for you is to ask your doctor. Not all herbal options are safe for everyone to take. However, for those in good health outside of their addiction, herbal options may be the best opportunity available.
One of the more promising options to help with opioid treatment is kratom. This option comes from plants and has been used for years to help with pain. Since it is meant to do the same basic thing as an opioid, it can help manage pain when opioids are stopped. That way, the body stops depending on the medication and weans itself out of the addiction more naturally.
Another herbal option that many find helpful when weaning off of addicting opioid medications is CBD. This comes from marijuana, but it does not contain the aspect of the plant that gives a high feeling. It allows for pain relief, relaxation, and helps negate a good number of the opioid withdrawal symptoms people struggle with.
You Have the Ultimate Choice in How You Attempt Addiction Recovery
You are the one who has to go through the struggles of leaving an addiction behind. Therefore, it is up to you how you manage your opioid treatment. However, that being said, you have options for support. While you may not want to go to rehab, you can still speak with your doctor. In fact, you should. They can help steer you toward options that can make the process easier. Talk to them about using herbal supplements. They can make a huge difference. Getting past an opioid addiction is possible. You simply need to have the right tools in hand to get you there. Hopefully some of the options mentioned can give you some of those tools. You deserve to live a happy, healthy life, free from opioid addiction. All you have to do is get the process started.